News & Events - University of Chinese Academy of Sciences) - // Fri, 18 Oct 2024 08:35:31 +0000 Joomla! - Open Source Content Management en-gb (demo2.5) CES Basketball Team Wins First Place in UCAS Men’s Basketball Match // //


On October 11, the UCAS Men’s Basketball Match final was held on Yuquanlu campus. CES team beat the team from the College of Resources and Environment (CRE) 40-21 to won the championship.

Both CES and CRE players gave us an impressive match of basketball, through which their love for life and their passion for basketball were fully demonstrated. The collective sense of honor of CES students was enhanced by this basketball match. It is hoped that CES basketball team will continue to achieve great glories.

News & Events Sun, 10 Nov 2013 16:00:00 +0000
Dr. Mark Harrison Delivers A Lecture // //

On the morning of June 9th, jointly invited by the Bureau of International Co-operation, CAS and UCAS, Prof. Mark Harrison, member of the United States National Academy of Sciences and famous geochemist, delivered a lecture under the title of “Search for Extraterrestrial Impact Signatures in Terrestrial Zircons” on Yuquanlu campus. Mr. Ding Lin, professor of the Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research, CAS, and several experts involved in this research field were present at the lecture.


Prof. Wang Duojun, vice dean of CES, received Prof. Harrison and briefed him on the basic situation of CES.


Prof. Wu Chunming moderated the lecture. He introduced the education background and research field of Prof. Harrison. Prof. Wang Duojun, associate Prof. Zhang Yuxiu, associate Prof. Liu Qing and several graduate students attended the lecture.


In the Q&A session after his lecture, Prof. Harrison had a heated discussion with teachers and students.

News & Events Thu, 31 Oct 2013 16:00:00 +0000
CES Holds 2013 New Semester Opening Ceremony // //

The College of Earth Science (CES) held the 2013-2014 Academic Year Opening Ceremony at Yuquanlu campus on the morning of September 2. It was attended by teacher representatives from several institutes of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and over 750 first-year graduate students from both the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (UCAS) and 24 institutes of CAS. Vice dean Zhou Yuanze of CES emceed the ceremony.
Prof. Zhu Rixiang, academician of CAS and dean of CES, delivered a speech to kick start the ceremony. He communicated his hopes on all students.
Prof. Sun Wenke, executive dean of CES, gave a general introduction on CES, which included the teaching and research situation, student activities and the Key Laboratory of Computational Geodynamics, CAS.
Speaking on behalf of the teaching faculty and all students, Prof. Wei Dongping, teacher representative of CES, and Jiang Tenglong, graduate student of CES, made their speeches respectively. Mrs. Fan Hong, secretary of the general party branch of CES, explained the relative rules and regulations on student affairs in UCAS. Finally, Ms. Wang Cuicui, teaching secretary of CES, presented the procedures and regulations concerning teaching activities.
    A psychological test for all students was arranged after the ceremony.
News & Events Thu, 31 Oct 2013 16:00:00 +0000
CES Holds a Commendation Meeting for Teaching Staff at Yanqihu Campus // //















September 10, the College of Earth Science (CES) held a commendation meeting to praise the outstanding individuals in the work of teaching in the International Conference Center at Yanqihu campus. Presented the meeting were Prof. Deng Yong, executive vice president of UCAS, Prof. Su Gang, vice president of UCAS, and Prof. Sun Wenke, executive dean of UCAS. Nearly 100 teacher representatives and administrative staff from CAS institutes and CES attended the meeting. Prof. Wang Duojun, vice dean of CES, presided over the meeting.

News & Events Thu, 31 Oct 2013 16:00:00 +0000
Inaugural Meeting Marking the Founding of the First College Affairs Committee of CES in Beijing // //

On October 26 2012, the College of Earth Science (CES) held the inaugural meeting of the first College Affairs Committee in Beijing. Academician Zhu Rixiang, Prof. Sun Heping, Prof. Zhu Huaicheng, Prof. Huang Liangmin, Prof. Lvyu, Prof. Chen Hongbin, Prof. Gaoxing, Prof. Xia Yanqing, Prof. Hou Quanlin and Prof. Sun Wenke attended the meeting. The meeting was hosted by academician Zhu Rixiang, dean of CES and director of the College Affairs Committee of CES.

News & Events Thu, 31 Oct 2013 16:00:00 +0000
Araya Akito visited College of Earth Sciences // //

Professor Araya Akito visited College of Earth Sciences and gave a talk titled "Broadband geophysical observation using a laser interferometer" in 704 in teaching building on Mar. 1st, 2012.
A laser interferometer is widely used in physics, engineering, astronomy, metrology, and so on, for precise measurements. It is useful also in geophysics because it provides precise standard of length which can be used for measurements of crustal deformation. A couple of its geophysical application, a laser strainmeter and a compact absolute gravimeter, will be presented. The laser strainmeter is in operation at Kamioka mine located 1000-m underground, and measures long-term strain changes as well as seismic motion of the ground. We have observed several coseismic strain steps with the resolution of ~10^{-10} in strain, and they can be used for determining seismic moment geodetically even for deep or ocean earthquakes. An absolute gravimeter is used for determining gravity acceleration which gives information on ground density distribution and movement of underground mass. We have been developing a compact absolute gravimeter for the purpose of volcanic observation detecting motion of magma. Current performance of the instrument and its observation before and after the Tohoku earthquake are introduced.
News & Events Fri, 27 Apr 2012 16:00:00 +0000
Weijia Kuang was Invited to Give A Seminar // //

Doctor Weijia Kuang was invited to give a talk about "Geomagnetic Variability and Predictability" in meeting room of Key Laboratory of Computational Geodynamics,CAS on Feb. 22, 2012.
Weijia Kuang
* Origins of Earth and planetary magnetic fields (geodynamo and planetary dynamo theories): numerical simulation of dynamical processes in the Earth's and planetary cores, and planetary magnetic evolution;
* Geomagnetic data assimilation: combining surface observations and dynamical models to predict geomagnetic secular variation, and to estimate the core state;
* Geomagnetic/geodynamo applications: time-varying geodetic observables (gravity field, Earth's angular momentum) arising from solid Earth and liquid core interactions;
* General computational fluid dynamics and nonlinear differential equations: numerical algorithm development, parallel and grid computation, ensemble analysis.

Positions and Appointments
12/02 - Present Geophysicist/Applied Mathematician, NASA GSFC
12/02 - Present Fellow, JCET, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
06/98 - 11/02 Research Associate Professor, JCET/UMBC
04/92 - 05/97 Research Associate/Post doctoral fellow, Harvard University

Ph.D., Applied Mathematics, University of California, Los Angeles, 1992
M.Sc., Physics, Wuhan University, China, 1985 (Honor)
B.Sc., Space Engineering Science, Changsha Institute of Technology, China,1982
News & Events Mon, 16 Apr 2012 16:00:00 +0000
Jeffrey T. Freymueller Visited College of Earth Sciences // //

Jeffrey T. Freymueller Visited College of Earth Sciences and gave a talk titled "Separating hydrologic, cryospheric and tectonic deformation: Examples from Alaska and the Tibetan Plateau" in meeting room of Key Laboratory of Computational Geodynamics,CAS on Dec. 20,2011.
News & Events Mon, 16 Apr 2012 16:00:00 +0000
In Memory of Revolutionary Martyrs // //


To cherish the memory of revolutionary martyrs, all students party members of College of Earth Sciences went to the Babaoshan revolutionary martyr cemetery grave on March 27,2012 and April 7th,2012 successively.


]]> (earth) News & Events Mon, 16 Apr 2012 00:57:00 +0000
Youxue Zhang visited College of Earth Sciences // //

Professor Youxue Zhang visited College of Earth Sciences,CAS and will teach a course during the spring semester.
Youxue Zhang


                   B.S., Peking University, China, Geology, 1982

                   M.A., Columbia University, Geological Sciences, 1985

                   M. Phil., Columbia University, Geological Sciences, 1987

                   Ph. D., Columbia University, Geological Sciences, 1989


Professional Experiences

                   Postdoctoral fellow, California Institute of Technology, 1988-1991

                   Assistant Professor, The University of Michigan, 1991-1997

                   Associate Professor, The University of Michigan, 1997-2004

                   Professor, The University of Michigan, 2004-present

                     Jiangzuo Professor (Guest Professor), Peking University, 2005

                     Changjiang Jiangzuo Professor (Guest Professor), Peking University, 2006-2007


Academic Awards and Honors

                   F.W. Clarke Medal by the Geochemical Society, 1993

                   Young Investigator, 1994-1999, US NSF

                   Fellow, Geological Society of America, 2005

                   Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Sciences (AAAS), 2005

                   Fellow, Mineralogical Society of America, 2009


Service Awards

                   Community Service Award by the Chinese Association of Greater Detroit, 2002

                   Outstanding Contribution Award by the Chinese Schools Association of the US, 2003

                   Service Award by the Association of University of Michigan Chinese Professors, 2004



                   American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) (Fellow)

                   American Geophysical Union (AGU)

                   Geochemical Society

                   Geological Society of America (GSA) (Fellow)

                   Mineralogical Society of America (MSA) (Fellow)


Research Interests

                   Gas-driven volcanic and lake eruptions, experimental and theoretical

                   Kinetics and dynamics of geological processes: diffusion, reaction, geospeedometry

                   Geochemical evolution of the mantle, crust, and atmosphere, degassing history

                   Volatiles in melts, glasses, minerals, and the mantle, application of FTIR

                   Experimental petrology, thermodynamics and phase equilibria

                   Methane hydrate in marine environment

                   Moon, meteorites and cosmochemistry

                   Inclusions in minerals

                   Age of the earth

News & Events Sun, 15 Apr 2012 16:00:00 +0000