You, Haitao

  • Published: 2014-12-08
  • 5995
Name: You, Haitao
Title: Assistant professor of Geology
Phone: 86-10-88256447
Email: youht(at)
Office: 621 in Teaching Building

Research interest

Environment geology

Varve chronology

Maar lake and paleoclimate change




2007  Ph.D            Jilin University,  Quaternary Geology

2003  M.S.            Jilin University,  Marine Geology

2000  B.S.             Jilin University,  Applied Chemistry


Professional Appointments


2009.07-present        Assistant professor at GUCAS

2007.07-2009.06       Postdoctoral fellow at the institute of geology and geophysics, CAS

2003.06-2007.06        Jilin University as a teacher


Fellowship, Awards & Honors


2008 the young researcher exchange scholarship between the Chinese Scholarship Council and the German Helmholtz Society





2009-2011 High-resolution palaeoclimate evolution derived from varved sediments record from Erlongwan maar lake since 2ka BP




● Limnology and Global Change


An introduction to the basic concepts of the lake and swamp, the processes of the lake sedimentation, the characteristics of the lacustrine sediments, the applications of the limnology sedimentary environmental records in the global change and the present situation of the limnology research. The purpose is to enable students to understand the geological backgrounds and the natural geographical conditions of the lake and swamp formation, master conventional research methods and carry out related academic researches.


The Cenozoic Geochronology


Establishing the timing of these geological events is a key element in geological research. The aim of this course is to describe, evaluate and exemplify the different dating techniques that are applicable within the field of geology. It is, above all, a course that lays emphasis on the practical side of Cenozoic dating, for the principal focus is on examples or case studies.


Selected publications


You H T, Liu J Q, Liu Q et al. Study of the varve record from Erlongwan maar lake, NE China, over the last 13 ka BP. Chin.Sci.Bull. 2008, 53(2): 262-266.

You H T, Liu Q, Liu J Q. A comparative study on model sedimentation rates with varve dating, 137Cs and 210Pb dating in Erlongwan maar lake, NE China. J Jilin Univ (Earth Sci Edition) (in Chinese), 2007, 37(1): 59-64.

You H T, Liu Q, Liu J Q, et al. Research methodology prelimimary results for varved lacustrine sediments of the Sihailongwan maar lake. Earth Environ (in Chinese), 2006, 34(2): 71-76.

Liu Q, You H T, Liu J Q. Methodology of studying on varved lake sediments and its significance. Quaternary Sciences(in Chinese),2004,24(6): 683-694.

Liu Q, You H T, Liu J Q. Summarization of varved lake sediments and its paleomagnetic implications. Geological Science and Technology Information (in Chinese), 200423(4)3540.



