Zeng, Qingli

  • Published: 2014-12-08
  • 6230
Name: Zeng, Qingli
Title: Assistant Professorof Geoengineering
Phone: 86-10-88256464
Email: zengql(at)ucas.ac.cn
Office: 606 in Teaching Building

Research interest

Neotectonics, especially the active fault and its impact to existing infrastructures

Geohazards of landslide, debris flow and collapse, Geohazards chains in Southeast Tibetan Plateau

Geological analysis of the traditional and mechanized tunnel




2007  Ph.D.       Graduate University of CAS, Institute of Geology and Geophysics of CAS,


1997  B.S.        Guilin Institute of Technology, Guilin   


Professional Appointments


2010. 07-2012. 03            Lecturer, at GUCAS

2007, 01-2010, 06      Postdoctoral fellow, Institute of Geology and Geophysics, CAS

2005. 09-2005. 11            Research Assistant, School of Civil Engineering, Hongkong University





2010-2012 Study on the structure property of glacial till in Southeast Tibet and its engineering geomechanical characteristics

-China Railway Construction Company, Bureau 12

2009.02-2009.10 Study on the big deformation of Jiubao Tunnel, Zhangjiakou-Jining Railway project




Engineering Geology


The course introduces the basic concepts of engineering geology, the typical engineering geological problems (like landslide, debris flow, collapse, et al) and their mechanisms, the research methods and the analytical and assessment methods of those engineering geological problems, and trains students master the abilities of comprehensive analysis.


Geological Environment and Geohazards Countermeasure Engineering


The course introduces the basic concepts of geological environment and geohazards, the main geological environmental problems faced by current society, the origin, process and impact of main geohazards, the risk assessment method of geohazards, the effective geohazards countermeasures in practice and the design, as well as the monitoring of potential geohazards.


Selected publications


Yuan Guangxiang, Zeng Qingli. 2012. Glacier-dammed lake in Southeastern Tibetan plateau during the Last Glacial Maximum. Journal Geological Society of India. Vol.79, 295-301.

Q L Zeng, Z Q Yue, Z F Yang, et al. 2009. A case study of long-term field performance of check-dams in mitigation of soil erosion in Jiangjia stream, China. Environmental Geology, 58: 897-911.

Zeng Qingli, Yang Zhifa, Shang Yanjun, et al. 2008. Study on discontinuity between bedrock and Quaternary covers in the 102 landslide group section of Sichuan-Tibet Highway. Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology, 3:1-6.

Zeng Qingli, Yang Zhifa, Yuan Guangxiang, et al. 2007. Songzong Lake: An ice-dammed lake of Last Glacial Maximum in Purlung Tsangpo river, Southeast Tibet. Journal of Quaternary Research. 27(1): 85-92.

Zeng Qingli, Zhang Xijuan, Yang Zhifa. 2007. Principal characteristics and formation mechanism of plate type landslide in Hutiao-Gorge, Yunan. Journal of Natural Disasters, 16(3):1-6.

Zeng Qingli, Ma Yinsheng, Zhao Yue, Yang Zhifa, Lin Aiming, Fu Bihong. 2006. Ground failures associated with the Central Kunlun Earthquake: implications for the construction of the Qinghai-Tibet Railway. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 65(1):81-91.

Aiming Lin, Bihong Fu, Jianming Guo, Qingli Zeng, Yue Zhao. Co-seismic Strike-slip and Rupture Length Produced by the 2001 Ms 8.1 Central Kunlun Earthquake. Science, 14 June 2002, Vol.296, No. 5575, Pages: 2015-2017.


