Zhang, Yuxiu

  • Published: 2014-12-08
  • 4750
Name: Zhang, Yuxiu
Title: Associate Professor of Geology
Phone: 86-10-88256477
Email: zhangyuxiou(at)ucas.ac.cn, yushuzh(at)gmail.com
Office: 105 in SCI&TEC Building

Research Interest


Tectonic and sedimentary evolution of Tethys with research areas in Lhasa, Bangong-Nujiang suture, Qiangtang, Jinshajiang suture, Songpan-Ganzi, western Qinling and Qilian;

Cenozoic tectonic evolution with research areas in central Tibet, and northeast Tibetan Plateau of Qilian, western Qinling and Longmenshan.




2007.07, Ph.D., Structure Geology, Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangdong;

2004.06, M.S., Paleontology & Stratigraphy, Chengdu University of Technology, Sichuan;

1998.07, B.S., Petroleum Geology, Chengdu University of Technology, Sichuan.

Professional Appointments

2011.05-present, Associate Professor at GUCAS;

2010.09-2011.04, Lecturer at GUCAS;

2010.10-2011.01, Visiting scholar, University of California, Los Angeles;

2007.07-2010.09, Postdoctoral fellow, China University of Geosciences at Beijing;

2009.12-2010.04, Visiting scholar, University of California, Los Angeles;

1998.08-2001.08, Associate Engineer, East Branch of Sinopec Group.




2009, AGU membership;

2007, SEPM membership;

2007, China Society on Tibet Plateau membership.

Awards & Honors

2010, National Excellent Doctoral Dissertation Award Nomination (2010312);

2009, Excellent Dissertation of Doctoral Degree of Chinese Academy of Sciences;

2007, President of Chinese Academy of Sciences Award;

2007, Second Prize of Science and Technology of Land and Resources, Ministry of Land and Resources of PRC.


Main Grants


2010-2013, The Late Cretaceous and Cenozoic stratigraphic architecture and tectonic implication of Lunpola basin, central Tibet (Chinese Academy of Sciences grant No. Y129012EA2);

2009-2011, The age and thermobaric condition study of bilateral obdution of the Gaize ophiolites, Tibet (National Science Foundation of China grant No. 40802048).




Sedimentary Geology and Applications

An overview of the important aspects of modern sediments and ancient sedimentary rocks. Emphasis is on fundamental materials, features, textures, mechanics of sediment transport, sedimentary structures, processes, diagenesis, paleontology, modern and ancient depositional environments, stratigraphy, sedimentary basins and fossil fuels as coal, petroleum.


Sedimentary Environments and Lithofacies Paleogeography

The prime purpose of the course is to show how ancient environments may be reconstructed by interpreting first the process or processes which gave rise to sedimentary rocks and the environment in which these processes operated. To achieve this, an understanding of the factors, such as climate, tectonics and changing base level, that control the environment, both modern and ancient, is essential.


●  Petroleum Geology

The main tasks of Petroleum Geology are to deal with the process of petroleum generation, migration and accumulation and distribution as well. The essential elements of a petroleum pool are simple. A porous and permeable body of rock, called the reservoir rock, which is overlain by an impervious rock, called the roof rock, contains oil or gas or both, and is deformed or obstructed in such a manner that they are trapped.


Selected publications

Zhang KJ, Zhang YX, Tang XC, Xia B, 2012. Late Mesozoic tectonic evolution of Tibet. Earth Sci. Rev. (accepted).

Tang XC, Zhang YX, 2012. Eclogitic metasediments from central Qiangtang, northern Tibet: evidence for continental subduction during the eastern and western Qitang collision. J. Geol. Soc. India. (accepted).

Zhang KJ, Zhang YX, Tang XC, Xie YW, Sha SL, Peng XJ, 2008. First report of eclogites from central Tibet, China: Evidence for ultradeep continental subduction prior to the Cenozoic India-Asian collision. Terra Nova, 20(4): 302-308.

Zhang YX, Zhang KJ, Li B, Wang Y, Wei QG, Tang XC, 2007. Zircon SHRIMP U-Pb dating and petrogenesis of plagiogranite from Lagkor Lake ophiolite, Gerze, Xizang, China. Chin. Sci. Bull., 52(5): 651-659.

Zhang KJ, Zhang YX, Li B, Zhong LF, 2007. Nd isotopes of siliciclastic rocks from Tibet, western China: Constraints on provenance and pre-Cenozoic tectonic evolution. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 256(3-4): 604-616.

Zhang KJ, Zhang YX, Li B, Cai JX, Zhu YT, 2006. The blueschist-bearing Qiangtang metamorphic belt (northern Tibet, China) as an in situ suture zone: Evidence from geochemical correlating studies with the Jinsa suture. Geology, 34(6): 493-496.

Zhang KJ, Zhang YX, Xia BD, He YB, 2006. Temporal variations of the Mesozoic sandstone composition in the Qiangtang block, northern Tibet (China):Implications for provenance and tectonic setting. J. Sediment. Res., 76(8): 1035-1048.

Zhang YX, Li B, Wei QG, Wang Y, Zhang KJ, 2006. Detrital zircon provenance of the Late Triassic Songpan-Ganzi complex: Sedimentary record of collision of the North and South China blocks: Comment. Geology, 8: e107, doi: 10.1130/G22944.1.
