• Li, Danyang

    Title: Master Student of Solid Geophysics

    Phone: +86-10-88256823

    Email: lidanyang126(at)126.com

    Office: 608 in Teaching Building

  • Lin, Wei

    Title: Master Student of Geophysics

    Phone: (+86)-10-88256339

    Email: linwei0109(at)mails.gucas.ac.c

    Office: 605 in Teaching Building

  • Lin, Xiaoguang

    Title: Ph.D. Student of Solid Geophysics

    Phone: 86-10-88256475

    Email: xglin86(at)gmail.com

    Office: 708 in Teaching Building

  • Liu, Boyan

    Title: Ph.D.Student of Solid Geophysics

    Phone: +86-10-88256823

    Email: liuboyan_lby(at)msn.com

    Office: 608 in Teaching Building

  • Liu, Liu

    Title: Master Student of Solid Geophysics

    Phone: (+86)-10-88256339

    Email: liuliu0109(at)mails.gucas.ac.c

    Office: 605 in Teaching Building

  • Liu, Qianqian

    Title: Ph.D. Student of Solid Geophysics

    Phone: (+86)-10-88256339

    Email: liuqianqian08(at)mails.gucas.a

    Office: 605 in Teaching Building

  • Liu, Shanqi

    Title: Master Student of Geophysics

    Phone: +86-10-88256495

    Email: liushanqi10(at)mails.gucas.ac.

    Office: 624 in Teaching Building

  • Lu, Junsheng

    Title: Ph.D. Student of Geologic Sciences

    Phone: +86-10-88256495

    Email: lujunsheng12(at)163.com

    Office: 624 in Teaching Building

  • Luo, Mingqi

    Title: Master Student of Quaternary Geology

    Phone: 86-10-88256693

    Email: luomingqi10(at)mails.gucas.cn

    Office: 219 in Teaching Building

  • Luo, Yi

    Title: Ph.D. Student of Geology

    Phone: 86-10-88256693

    Email: 111985125(at)163.com

    Office: 219 in Teaching Building
