Zhou, Yuanze

  • Published: 2014-12-08
  • 5600
Name: Zhou, Yuanze
Title: Associate Professor of Geophysics
Phone: +86-10-88256468
Email: yzzhou(at)ucas.ac.cn
Office: 620 in Teaching Building

Research Interests


● Seismic Discontinuities

● Blind Deconvolution

● Inverse Theory Courses




2001  Ph.D.   Peking University, Beijing

1995  B.S.     Guilin Institute of Technology, Guilin   


Professional Appointments


2003.07-present   Associate professor, GUCAS

2006.01-2006.08  Visiting professor, ERI, the University of Tokyo

2001.04-2003.05  Postdoctoral fellow, Peking University





2003-2005 On the topography and structure of mantle discontinuities beneath western Pacific region.

2007-2009 On the lower mantle discontinuities

2011-2013 The blind deconvolution technique in the study of mantle discontinuities.




● Digital Signal Processing in Geosciences

This course is designed to help the graduate students with the major in geosciences develop the skills in digital signal processing. The course includes the introduction of signal and system, Fourier transform, Laplace transform, sampling theorem, design of digital filters, Z-transform and time-frequency analysis.


● Introductory Inverse Theory in Geosciences

This course is designed to give an introduction of inverse theory. The course includes linear and nonlinear regressions, regularization techniques, iterative methods, and global inversion methods such as simulated annealing and genetic algorithms.


Seminar in Inverse Theory

This is a reading and discussion course. After reading latest papers in geophysical inverse theory, students need to give presentations and participate in discussion.


Selected publications


Zhou Y Z, Yu X W, Yang H, Zang S X. 2012. Multiplicity of the 660-km discontinuity beneath the Izu-Bonin area. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 198-199: 51–60, doi: 10.1016/j.pepi.2012.03.003.


Zhou Y Z, Wang Z J. 2011. On the difference of the mid-mantle multiple velocity structure beneath Izu-Bonin and Tonga Region (In Chinese). Scientia Sinca Terrae, 41(7): 936-944.


Zhou Y Z, Sui Y. 2010. On the velocity interfaces in the lower mantle beneath South America. Chinese Journal of Geophysics-Chinese Edition, 53(1): 86-93.


Zhang H, Zhou Y Z, Wu Z L, Yan Z Z, Chen S, Jing H M, Xu X W, Shi Y L. Finite element analysis of seismic wave propagation characteristics in Fuzhou basin. Chinese Journal Of Geophysics-Chinese Edition, 2009, 52(5): 1270-1279.


Zang S X, Zhou Y Z, Ning J Y, Wei R Q. ,2006. Multiple discontinuities near 660 km beneath Tonga area, Geophysical Research Letterrs, 33, L20312, doi:10.1029/2006GL027262.


Zang S X, Zhou Y Z, Jiang Z Y. 2003. Mantle discontinuities beneath Izu-Bonin and the implications. Science In China (D), 46(12):1201-1211, DOI: 10.1360/02yd0059.


Zhou Y Z, Jiang Z Y, Zang S X. 2002. Regionalized difference of the 660 km discontinuity beneath Izu-Bonin. Acta Seismologica Sinica, 15(3):333-341.


Jiang Z Y, Zang S X, Zhou Y Z. 2002. Topographies of seismic velocity discontinuities and penetrations of subducting slabs neneath the Sea of Okhotsk. Chinese Science Bulletin, 47: 2034-2041.


Zang S X, Zhou Y Z. 2002. The method of Nth root slant stack and its application in study of mantle discontinuities. Chinese Journal of Geophysics. 45(3): 420-429.


Zhou Y Z, Zang S X. 2001. Mantle discontinuities beneath the stations of MDJ and HIA and their implications. Chinese Journal of Geophysics, 44(6): 748-759.

