Shi, Yaolin

  • 日期:2014-12-08
  • 7366
Name: Shi, Yaolin
Title: Professor of Geophysics
Phone: 86-10-88256488
Email: shiyl(at)
Office: 117 in SCI&TEC Building

Research Interest


Geodynamic modeling of coupled processes of deformation, heat transfer, porous fluid flow in the earth, earthquake mechanics in the lithosphere.  




1986  Ph.D.    University of California, Berkeley

1966  B.S.      University of Science and Technology of China   


Professional Appointments

1968-1978, Institute of Geomechanics,  Engineer

1986-1988, UC Berkeley, Post Dc.

1991,1993,1995   for several months, Institute of Geological and Nuclear Sciences of New Zealand; University of Wellington,  Visiting Scholar

2002 3 months, University of Sao Paolo, Brazil,  Visiting Scholar

1988-present, Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Professor,  Vice director of the school(1996-1998), Director of Laboratory of Computational Geodynamics(2003-2010)    

Fellowship, Awards & Honors


Member of Chinese Academy of Sciences since 2001Fellow of the Academy of Sciences for the Developing World since 2005

Vice Chairman of Chinese Geophysical Society











An overview of the coupled physical process of the earth.


Selected publications


Numerical investigation on the geodynamical mechanism of the first major shock of 2006 Pingtung Mw7.0 earthquake, SUN YuJun, ZHANG Huai & SHI YaoLin, Science China D,2011, 54(5):631~639

Some aspects of static stress change calculation – Case study on the wenchuan earthquake, SHI Yao-Lin, CAO Jian-Ling,CHINESE JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICS Vol.53, No.1, 2010, pp: 64_73

Numerical simulation of GPS observed clockwise rotation around the eastern Himalayan syntax in the Tibetan Plateau,  Cao Jianling, Shi Yaolin, Zhang Huai, Wang Hui, Chinese Science Bulletin, 2009, 54(8): 1398-1410.

Lithosphere Effective Viscosity of Continental China, SHI Yaolin, CAO Jianling, EARTH SCIENCE FRONTIERS, 2008,15(3),82-95

Tsunami hazards along Chinese coast from potential earthquakes in South China Sea, Yingchun Liu, Angela Santos, Shuo M. Wang, Yaolin Shi, Hailing Liu, David A. Yuen, Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 2007, 163: 233–244

Lithosphere Thickness of the Chinese Continent, An Meijian, SHI Yaolin, Physics of Earth and Planetary Interior, 2006,159:257-266

Computation of the present-day strain rate field of the Qinghai-Tibetan plateau and its geodynamic implications, Zhu SB, Cai YE; Shi YL, CHINESE JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICS-CHINESE EDITION, 2005, 48(5): 1053-1061

Genetic algorithm-finite element inversion of drag forces exerted by the lower crust on the upper crust in the Sichuan-Yunnan area, Zhu SB, Shi YL, CHINESE JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICS-CHINESE EDITION, 47( 2): 232-239  2004

Stcochastic dynamic model of SARS spreading, Shi Yaolin, Chinese Science Bulletin, 2003, 48(13): 1287-1292

Performance of Chinese Annual Earthquake Predictions in the Nineties, Yaolin Shi, Jie Liu, Guomin Zhang, Journal of Applied Probability, 2001, 38A, 222-232

Thermal modeling of the Southern Alps, New Zealand,Yaolin SHI,Rick Allis,and Fred Davey,PAGEOPH,146,3/4,469-501,1996

Generation of high pore pressure in accretionary prism: Inferences from the Barbados Subduction Complex,Y. Shi and C. -Y. Wang,Jour. Geophys. Res.,93,8893-8910,1988

Two-dimensional modeling of P-T-t paths of regional metamorphism in simple overthrust terrains,Y. Shi and C.Y. Wang,Geology,15,1048-1051,1987

Pore pressure generation in sedimentary basins: Overloading versus Aquathermal,Y. Shi and C.Y. Wang,Jour. Geophys. Res.,91,2153-2162,1986

On the thermal structure of subduction complexes:A preliminary study,C.-Y. Wang and Y. Shi, Jour. Geophys. Res.,89,7709-7718,1984.

 The standard error of the magnitude-frequency b-value,Y. Shi and B. A. Bolt,Bull. Seis. Soc. Am.,72,1677-1687,1982.

Dynamic uplift of the Himalaya,C.Y. Wang,Y. Shi and W. Zhou,Nature,298,553-556,1982
