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Details of the Faculty or Staff


Li, Zhonghai



Highest Education  


Subject Categories  

 Computational Geodynamics



Zip Code  







  206 in Sci.&Tech Building





Education and Appointments:

2001-2005 : (B.S.), Department of Marine Geology, Tongji University, China

2005-2010 : (Ph.D.), Department of Earth Sciences, Nanjing University, China

2007-2009 : (Joint Ph.D.), Institute of Geophysics, ETH-Zurich, Switzerland

2010-2012 : (PostDoc), FAST Laboratory, CNRS & University of Paris Sud XI, France

2012-2015 : (Research A./Prof.), Institute of Geology, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences, China

2015-2020 : (Research Prof.), University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

2020-Now : (Tenured Prof.), University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, China


Research Interests:

Research direction : Computational Geodynamics

Key words :

(1) Numerical methods : numerical modeling, rheology, finite difference method, finite element method, boundary element method

(2) Subduction dynamics : subduction initiation, subduction mode selection, fluid-melt activity, magmatism, seismic anisotropy, western Pacific subduction zones

(3) Continental collision : continental deep subduction, ultra-high pressure metamorphism and exhumation, lithosphere delamination, lateral extrusion/escape, Tibetan plateau, Tethys system

(4) Earth system dynamics : deep Earth process, material circulation, energy exchange, deep water cycling, carbon cycling, surface response, environmental evolution

(5) Planetary dynamics : continental formation, lithospheric evolution, beyond plate tectonics, early Earth dynamics, planetary evolution

Supported Projects:

2023-2027 : NSFC - National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars (42225403, PI)

2022-2027 : MOST - National Key Research and Development Program Subject (2022YFF0801001, PI)

2022-2025 : UCAS - Innovation Group of Outstanding Young Scholars (E2ET0410X2, PI)

2020-2024 : CAS - Strategic Priority Research Program Subject (XDB42020202, PI)

2019-2022 : NSFC - Key Program (91855208, PI)

2018-2021 : NSFC - General Program (41774108, PI)

2017-2019 : NSFC - National Science Fund for Outstanding Young Scholars (41622404, PI)

2017-2018 : PetroChina - Foreland Basin Program Subject (2016B-0501, PI)

2016-2021 : CAS - Strategic Priority Research Program Subject (XDB18020104, PI)

2014-2016 : NSFC - Young Scholar Program (41304071, PI)

Selected Publication:

( * Corresponding author )


Zhong X.Y., Li Z.H.*, (2023). Compression at strike-slip fault is a favorable condition for subduction initiation. Geophysical Research Letters, 50, e2022GL102171. <https://doi.org/10.1029/2022GL102171>

Fu H.Y., Li Z.H.*, Chen L., (2022). Continental mid-lithosphere discontinuity: a water collector during craton evolution. Geophysical Research Letters, 49, e2022GL101569. <https://doi.org/10.1029/2022GL101569>

Li Z.H.*, Liao J., Liu L.J., Faccenda M., (2022). Editorial: Subduction and Collision Dynamics of Tectonic Plates. Frontiers in Earth Science, 10, 1023604. <https://doi.org/10.3389/feart.2022.1023604>

Wang Y., Zhang L.F.*, Li Z.H.*, (2022). Metamorphic densification can account for the missing felsic crust of the Greater Indian continent. Communications Earth & Environment, 3, 166. <https://doi.org/10.1038/s43247-022-00493-8>

Li Q., Li Z.H.*, Zhong X.Y., (2022). Overriding lithospheric strength affects continental collisional mode selection and subduction transference: Implications for Greater India-Asia convergent system. Frontiers in Earth Science, 10, 919174. <https://doi.org/10.3389/feart.2022.919174>

Cui Q.H., Li Z.H.*, (2022). Along-strike variation of convergence rate and pre-existing weakness contribute to Indian slab tearing beneath Tibetan Plateau. Geophysical Research Letters, 49, e2022GL098019. <https://doi.org/10.1029/2022GL098019>

Zhong X.Y., Li Z.H.*, (2022). Wedge-shaped southern Indian continental margin without proper weakness hinders subduction initiation. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, 23, e2021GC009998. <https://doi.org/10.1029/2021GC009998>

Zhong X.Y., Li Z.H.*, (2022). Formation of metamorphic soles underlying ophiolites during subduction initiation: A systematic numerical study. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 127, e2021JB023431. <https://doi.org/10.1029/2021JB023431>

Zhang Q.C.*, Li Z.H.*, Wu Z.H., Chen X.H., Zhang J.E., Yang Y., (2022). Subduction initiation of the western Proto-Tethys Ocean: New evidence from the Cambrian intra-oceanic forearc ophiolitic mélange in the western Kunlun Orogen, NW Tibetan Plateau. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 134, 145-159. <https://doi.org/10.1130/B35922.1>

Li Z.H.*, (2022). Integrated thermodynamic and thermomechanical numerical modeling: A useful method for studying deep Earth water and carbon cycling. Geosystems and Geoenvironment, 1, 100002. <https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geogeo.2021.09.002>

Cui Q.H., Li Z.H.*, Liu M., (2021). Crustal thickening versus lateral extrusion during India-Asia continental collision: 3-D thermo-mechanical modeling. Tectonophysics, 818, 229081. <https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tecto.2021.229081>

Shi Y.N., Li Z.H.*, Chen L., Morgan J.*, (2021). Connection between a subcontinental plume and the mid-lithospheric discontinuity leads to fast and intense craton lithospheric thinning. Tectonics, 40, e2021TC006711. <https://doi.org/10.1029/2021TC006711>

Zhong X.Y., Li Z.H.*, (2021). Subduction initiation at passive continental margins: A review based on numerical studies. Solid Earth Sciences, 6, 249-267. <https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sesci.2021.06.001>

Pei X., Li Z.H.*, Shi Y.L.*, (2021). Formation mechanism of arcuate tectonic structures around northeast Tibetan plateau: Insight from 3‐D numerical modeling. Terra Nova, 33, 345-355. <https://doi.org/10.1111/ter.12519>

Huangfu P.P., Li Z.H.*, Zhang K.J., Fan W.M., Zhao J.M., Shi Y.L., (2021). India-Tarim lithospheric mantle collision beneath western Tibet controls the Cenozoic building of Tian Shan. Geophysical Research Letters, 48, e2021GL094561. <https://doi.org/10.1029/2021GL094561>

Yang S.T., Li Z.H.*, Wan B., Chen L., Kaus B., (2021). Subduction‐induced back‐arc extension versus far‐field stretching: Contrasting modes for continental marginal break‐up. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, 22, e2020GC009416. <https://doi.org/10.1029/2020GC009416>

Li Z.H.*, Cui Q.H., Zhong X.Y., Liu M.Q., Wang Y., Huangfu P.P., (2021). Numerical modeling of continental dynamics: Questions, progress and perspectives. Acta Geologica Sinica, 95, 238-258. <https://doi.org/10.19762/j.cnki.dizhixuebao.2020276>


Li Z.H.*, (2020). Flat subduction versus big mantle wedge: contrasting modes for deep hydration and overriding craton modification. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 125, e2020JB020018. <https://doi.org/10.1029/2020JB020018>

Zhong X.Y., Li Z.H.*, (2020). Subduction initiation during collision-induced subduction transference: Numerical modeling and implications for the Tethyan evolution. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 125, e2019JB019288. <https://doi.org/10.1029/2019JB019288>

Zhou X., Li Z.H.*, Gerya T., Stern R., (2020). Lateral propagation-induced subduction initiation at passive continental margins controlled by pre-existing lithospheric weakness. Science Advances, 6, eaaz1048. <https://doi.org/10.1126/sciadv.aaz1048>

Shi Y.N., Niu F.L., Li Z.H.*, Huangfu P.P., (2020). Craton destruction links to the interaction between subduction and mid-lithospheric discontinuity: Implications for the eastern North China Craton. Gondwana Research, 83, 49-62. <https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gr.2020.01.016>

Li Z.H.*, Yang S.T., Liu M.Q., Huangfu P.P., (2019). Aqueous fluid activity and its effects in the subduction zones: A systematic numerical modeling study. Earth Science, 44, 3984-3992. <https://doi.org/10.3799/dqkx.2019.232>

Zhong X.Y., Li Z.H.*, (2019). Forced subduction initiation at passive continental margins: velocity‐driven versus stress‐driven. Geophysical Research Letters, 46, 11054-11064. <https://doi.org/10.1029/2019GL084022>

Lei T., Li Z.H.*, Liu M.*, (2019). Removing mantle lithosphere under orogens: delamination versus convective thinning. Geophysical Journal International, 219, 877-896. <https://doi.org/10.1093/gji/ggz329>

Zhou X., Xu Z.Q., Li Z.H.*, Huangfu P.P., Zhang J.J., (2019). Dynamics of subducting plate in the upper mantle: numerical modeling. Chinese Journal of Geophysics, 62, 2455-2465. <https://doi.org/10.6038/cjg2019M0152>

Li Z.H.*, Gerya T., Connolly J., (2019). Variability of subducting slab morphologies in the mantle transition zone: Insight from petrological-thermomechanical modeling. Earth-Science Reviews, 196, 102874. <https://doi.org/10.1016/j.earscirev.2019.05.018>

Huangfu P.P., Li Z.H.*, Fan W.M., Zhang K.J., Shi Y.L., (2019). Continental lithospheric-scale subduction versus crustal-scale underthrusting in the collision zone: Numerical modeling. Tectonophysics, 757, 68-87. <https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tecto.2019.03.007>

Yang S.H., Li Z.H.*, (2018). A numerical calculation approach based on FEM for long-term deformation of lithosphere. Journal of Geomechanics, 24, 768-775. <https://doi.org/10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2018.24.06.079>

Huangfu P.P., Li Z.H.*, Gerya T., Fan W.M., Zhang K.J., Zhang H., Shi Y.L., (2018). Multi-terrane structure controls the contrasting lithospheric evolution beneath the western and central-eastern Tibetan plateau. Nature Communications, 9, 3780. <https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-018-06233-x>

Liu M.Q., Li Z.H.*, (2018). Dynamics of thinning and destruction of the continental cratonic lithosphere: Numerical modeling. Science China: Earth Sciences, 61, 823-852. <https://doi.org/10.1007/s11430-017-9184-x>

Zhou X., Li Z.H.*, Gerya T., Stern R., Xu Z.Q., Zhang J.J., (2018). Subduction initiation dynamics along a transform fault control trench curvature and ophiolite ages. Geology, 46, 607-610. <https://doi.org/10.1130/G40154.1>

Shi Y.N., Wei D.P.*, Li Z.H.*, Liu M.Q., Liu M.X., (2018). Subduction mode selection during slab and mantle transition zone interaction: Numerical modeling. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 175, 529-548. <https://doi.org/10.1007/s00024-017-1762-0>

Yang S.H., Li Z.H.*, Gerya T., Xu Z.Q., Shi Y.L., (2018). Dynamics of terrane accretion during seaward continental drifting and oceanic subduction: Numerical modeling and implications for the Jurassic crustal growth of the Lhasa Terrane, Tibet. Tectonophysics, 746, 212-228. <https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tecto.2017.07.018>

Liu M.Q., Li Z.H.*, Yang S.H.*, (2017). Diapir versus along-channel ascent of crustal material during plate convergence: Constrained by the thermal structure of subduction zones. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 145, 16-36. <https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jseaes.2017.02.036>

Yang S.H., Xu Z.Q., Li Z.H.*, Shi Y.L., (2017). Constraint of impact craters on ice thickness on the Europa. Chinese Journal of Geophysics, 60, 935-940. <https://doi.org/10.6038/cjg20170308>

Li Z.H.*, Liu M., Gerya T., (2016). Lithosphere delamination in continental collisional orogens: A systematic numerical study. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 121, 5186-5211. <https://doi.org/10.1002/2016JB013106>

Li Z.H.*, Shi Y.L., (2016). Constraints of 3-D plate geometry on the dynamics of continental deep subduction. Chinese Journal of Geophysics, 59, 2806-2817. <https://doi.org/10.6038/cjg20160808>

Li Z.H.*, (2016). Applications of boundary-element method in computational geodynamics. Journal of University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, 33, 89-96. <http://html.rhhz.net/ZGKXYDXXB/20160114.htm>

Peng M., Jiang M., Li Z.H.*, Xu Z.Q., Zhu L.P., Chan W., Chen Y.L., Wang Y.X., Yu C.Q., Lei J.S., Zhang L.S., Li Q.Q., Xu L.H., (2016). Complex Indian subduction style with slab fragmentation beneath the eastern Himalayan Syntaxis revealed by teleseismic P-wave tomography. Tectonophysics, 667, 77-86. <https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tecto.2015.11.012>


Li Z.H.*, Xu Z.Q., (2015). Dynamics of along-strike transition between oceanic subduction and continental collision: Effects of fluid-melt activity. Acta Petrologica Sinica, 31, 3524-3530. <http://html.rhhz.net/ysxb/20151202.htm>

Li Z.H.*, Liu M.Q., Gerya T., (2015). Material transportation and fluid-melt activity in the subduction channel: numerical modeling. Science China: Earth Sciences, 58, 1251-1268. <https://doi.org/10.1007/s11430-015-5123-5>

Li Z.H.*, Di Leo J., Ribe N., (2014). Subduction-induced mantle flow, finite strain and seismic anisotropy: Numerical modeling. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 119, 5052-5076. <https://doi.org/10.1002/2014JB010996>

Li Z.H.*, (2014). A review on the numerical geodynamic modeling of continental subduction, collision and exhumation. Science China: Earth Sciences, 57, 47-69. <https://doi.org/10.1007/s11430-013-4696-0>

Li Z.H.*, Xu Z.Q., Gerya T., Burg J.P., (2013). Collision of continental corner from 3-D numerical modeling. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 380, 98-111. <https://doi.org/10.1016/j.epsl.2013.08.034>

Li Z.H.*, Ribe N., (2012). Dynamics of free subduction from 3-D Boundary-Element modeling. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 117, B06408. <https://doi.org/10.1029/2012JB009165>

Li Z.H.*, Xu Z.Q., Gerya T., (2012). Numerical geodynamic modeling of continental convergent margins. In: Earth Sciences, Ed. Imran Ahmad Dar, Pub. InTech, pp. 273-296. <https://doi.org/10.5772/26510>

Li Z.H.*, Xu Z.Q., Gerya T., (2011). Flat versus steep subduction: contrasting modes for the formation and exhumation of high- to ultrahigh-pressure rocks in continental collision zones. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 301, 65-77. <https://doi.org/10.1016/j.epsl.2010.10.014>

Li Z.H.*, Gerya T., Burg J.P., (2010). Influence of tectonic overpressure on P-T paths of HP-UHP rocks in continental collision zones: Thermomechanical modeling. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 28, 227-247. <https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1525-1314.2009.00864.x>

Li Z.H.*, Gerya T., (2009). Polyphase formation and exhumation of high- to ultrahigh-pressure rocks in continental subduction zone: Numerical modeling and application to the Sulu ultrahigh-pressure terrane in eastern China. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 114, B09406. <https://doi.org/10.1029/2008JB005935>

zhanglinxin@ucas.ac.cn (张琳鑫) Faculty Sun, 16 Apr 2023 19:04:37 +0000
Hou, Quanlin //www.lotudent.com/index.php/zh-CN/peo/2991-xkjck //www.lotudent.com/index.php/zh-CN/peo/2991-xkjck

Name: Hou, Quanlin
Title: Professor of Geology
Email: quhou(at)ucas.ac.cn
Office: 220 in Administration Building

Research interest

Tectonic evolution of orogenic belt

Geochemistry of Platinum-group elements

Coalbed methane and gas geology



1993  Ph.D.   Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Beijing

1991  M.D.   Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Beijing

1984  B.S.    Henan Polytechnic University,Jiaozuo


Professional Appointments

1993.11-1995.11   Postdoctoral research in High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences

1984.07-1988.09   Lecturer in Henan Polytechnic University

1986.09-1987.07   Pursue further education in Pecking University

1995.11-1996.11   Assistant Professor in Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences

1996.12-2002.09   Associate Professor, Professor in Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences

2002.10-present   Professor in Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences


International Cooperation and Communication

1997   Visiting Leicester University for three months

1999   Visiting Hongkong University for three months

2000   Visiting Московский государственный университет имени Ломоносова for two weeks

2001   Visiting Московский государственный университет имени Ломоносова for two weeks

2002   Visiting Monash University for three months

2003-2009  Sino-Korean continent comparative study cooperating with the Republic of Korea and visiting the Republic of Korea and Korea Country about ten days every year for field study and academic communication

2010   Visiting the Republic of Korea and Korea Country about ten days each country for field study and academic communication

2010   Visiting French and Italia ten days for field work in Alps

2011   Visiting the Republic of Korea one week for field work


Professional Activities

1997.10-2002.09   Deputy Director of the Laboratory of Lithosphere Tectonic Evolution CAS in Institute of Geology and Geophysics CAS,

2002.10-2005.03   Deputy Director of College of Earth Science, Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences

2003.10-2006.07   Assistant President of Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences

2006.8--         Vice President of Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences



Structural Geology

An introduction to the principles, concepts, and problems about structures of rocks as well as regions. Topics include plate tectonics, stress and its relationship to failure of rocks, structural styles and their initiation and development, the analysis of the orogenic belt.


Advanced Structural Geology

An overview of the structure of rocks and regions. Topics involve plate tectonics, the structural styles, kinematic analysis of shear zones and fold mechanisms, analysis of superposed deformation and refolded folds, rheology and the mechanical properties of rocks, deformation processes, mechanisms and metamorphic core complexes, models and quantitative techniques for analysing for strain in rocks, and application of structural geology in orogenic belt.


Selected publications

Wu Yudong, Ju Yiwen, Hou Quanlin, Hu Shengbiao, Pan Jienan, Fan Junjia. Comparison of coalbed gas generation between Huaibei-Huainan coalfields and Qinshui coal basin based on the tectono-thermal modeling. Sci China Earth Sci, 2011, 54:1069-1077. (SCI, Corresponding author)

LI Hui, LIU Qing, HOU QuanLin, XU HuiHuang, ZHU MaoXian and ZENG GuiHua, Distribution and fractionation of Platinum-group elements in mantle peridotites from Kedanshan ophiolite,Inner Mongolia, Acta Petrologica Sinica, 2011, 27(6)1759-1769. (SCI, Corresponding author)

LI Xiaoshi, JU Yiwen, HOU Quanlin, LIN Hong, Spectra Response from Macromolecular Structure Evolution of Tectonically Deformed Coal of Different Deformation Mechanisms. Science in China (Series D), in press. (SCI, Corresponding author)

Shanqin Ni, Yiwen Ju, Quanlin Hou, Shijie Wang, Qing Liu, Yudong Wu and Lingling Xiao, Enrichment of heavy metal elements and their adsorption on iron oxides during carbonate rock weathering process. Progress in Natural Science, 2009, 19(9), 1133-1139. (SCI, Corresponding author)

Ni Shanqin, Hou Quanlin, Ju Yiwen, Xiao Lingling,Wu Yudong, Liu Qing. Migration and enrichment of trce elements of Lower Palaeozoic carbonate rock strata in Beijing. Science in China (D), 2008, 51(12), 1759-1767. (SCI, Corresponding author)

Zhang Hongyuan, Hou Quanlin, Cao Daiyong, Tectono-chronologic Constraints on a Mesozoic slip and thrust belt in the Jiaodong Peninsula. Science in China Series D, 2007, 50(1), 25-32. (SCI, Corresponding author)

Zhang Hongyuan, Hou Quanlin, Cao Daiyong. Study of thrust and nappe tectonics in the Jiaodong Peninsula, China. Science in China Series D, 2007, 50(2), 161-171. (SCI, Corresponding author)

Hou, Q. L., Kolesnilov, E. M., Xie, L. W., et al. Platinum group element abundances in a peat layer associated with the Tunguska event, further evidence for a cosmic origin. Planetary and Space Science, 2004, 52: 331-340. (SCI)

Hou Q.L., Kolesnikov E.M., Xie L.W., Discovery of probable Tunguska Cosmic Body material: anomalies of platinum group elements and rare-earth elements in peat near the Explosion site (1908), Planetary and Space Science, 2000, 48(15), 1447-1455. (SCI)

Hou Q.L., Ma P.X. and Kolesnikov E. M., Discovery of Iridium and Other Element Anomalies near the 1908 Tunguska Explosion Site. Planetary and Space Science, 1998. 46(2-3), 179-188. (SCI)

Hou Q.L., Ma P.X. and Ju X., Discussion of the platinum group elements as indicators of extraterrestrial materials. Chinese Science Bulletin, 1998, 43(19), 1585-1593. (SCI)

Hou Quanlin, Li Peijun, Li Jiliang and Sun Shu, Discovery and mechanism discussion of supergene micro-ductile shear zone. Chinese Science Bulletin, 1995, 40(10), 824-827. (SCI)

LI Xiaoshi, JU Yiwen, HOU Quanlin, LIN Hong, 2010. Influence mechanism of tectonic deformation on macromolecular chemical structure of coals: a case study of vitrinite separation of Tectonically Deformed Coals, Journal of China Coal Society, 35: 150-157. (EI, Corresponding author)

WU Yu-dong, JU Yi-wen, HOU Quan-lin, PAN Jie-nan, ZHANG Yang, FAN Jun-jia, Application of fault’s information dimensions among different coal seams in the prediction of deep coal resources exploitation. Journal of China Coal Society, 2010, 35(8), 1323-1330. (EI, Corresponding author)

Hou Quanlin, Ma Peixue, et al., A New Method for Determination of Osmium, Platinum and Palladium in Geological Samples by Radiochemical Neutron Activation Analysis. Journal of Basic Science and Engineering, 1996, 4(3), 254-259.

Hou Quanlin and Ma Peixue, The Feasibility to Distinguish Tectonic Settings Using the Platinum-group Elements Pattern, In: TECTONICS OF CHINA ---Proceedings of the 1995 Annual Conference of Tectonics in China (Edited by WU Zhengwen and CHAI Yucheng), 1996, Geological Publishing House, Beijing, China, p156-159.

Hou Quanlin, Li Jiliang, Sun Shu and Li Peijun, Mesozoic thrust-nappe tectonics and tectonic evolution in Southwestern Fujian, China. In: China’s Postdoctors’ Contributions to the 30th International Geological Congress (CHEN Yanjing eds), 1996Petroleum Industry Press of China, Beijing, China, p35-41.

Hou Quanlin, Li Peijun and Li Jiliang, Turbidite and contourite of the Lower Triassic Xikou Formation in Southwestern Fujian. in: Annual Report of the Laboratory of Lithosphere Tectonic Evolution(1993-1994). Seismology Press, Beijing, 1994, p149-151

Hou Quanlin and Zhong Dalai, The deformation and metamorphism in the Wuliangshan ductile shear zone in Western Yunnan, China. in: Memoir of Lithospheric Tectonic Evolution Research(1). Seismology Press, Beijing, 1993, p24-29

Hou Quanlin, Li Peijun, Li Jiliang and Sun Shu, Mesozoic Tectonic Features and Evolution in Southwestern Fujian, China. In: Abstracts of 30th International Geological Congress, Beijing, China, 4-14 August 1996, Vol. 1, p152.

Hou Quanlin, Li Peijun, Li Jiliang and Sun Shu, Characteristics and mechanism of supergene micro-ductile shear zone. In: Collection of Abstracts. 18th Pacific Science Congress, Beijing, China, 1995, p527.

Hou Quanlin and Ma Peixue, Iridium and Other Elements Anomalies Resulted from the Tunguska Explosion. In: Abstracts of 30th International Geological Congress, Beijing, China, 4-14 August 1996, Vol. 3, p513.


Faculty Sun, 07 Dec 2014 19:17:53 +0000
Hu,Caibo //www.lotudent.com/index.php/zh-CN/peo/2992-xkjck-1 //www.lotudent.com/index.php/zh-CN/peo/2992-xkjck-1

Name: Hu,Caibo
Email: hucb(at)ucas.ac.cn
Office: 627 in Teaching Building

Education Background

Sep. 2011–Sep. 2012 Postdoctoral Scholar, visiting scholar, Kentucky Geological Survey, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY, USA

Jan. 2010–Jun. 2010 Visiting scholar, Department of Geological Sciences, University of Missouri-Columbia, USA

Jul. 2009–Aug. 2011 Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Geology, Peking University, Beijing, China           

Jul. 2009 Ph. D., Department of Geophysics, Peking University

Jul. 2003 B. Sc., Department of Geophysics, China University of Geosciences (Wuhan)


Study Directions

Seismic numerical simulation, seismic hazard assessment, stress field evolution, crust deformation, seismic rupture process, strong ground motion, finite element method (FEM) programming.


Awards and Social Activities

Sep. 2000-Mar. 2002 Monitor of Class 61991 at China University of Geosciences (Wuhan)

Nov. 2000  Huayi scholarship at China University of Geosciences (Wuhan)

Dec. 2000  Award for excellent student at China University of Geosciences (Wuhan)

May 2001  First prize in Advanced Mathematics Competition at China University of Geosciences (Wuhan)

May 2001  Award for innovative social work at China University of Geosciences (Wuhan)

May 2003  Top ten newsmakers at China University of Geosciences (Wuhan)

Jun. 2003  Award for excellent graduate student at China University of Geosciences (Wuhan)

Nov. 2004  Guanghua scholarship at Peking university

Nov. 2004  Award for excellent student at Peking University

Aug. 2005  Award for excellent paper of the Chinese Geophysical Society

May 2006  Wangren’s academic scholarship at Peking University

Nov. 2007  Wusi Young scholarship at Peking university

Sep. 2007-Apr. 2008  President of Young Taiji society at Peking University

Mar. 2007-Mar. 2008 Vice president of graduate union of School of Earth and Space Sciences at Peking University

Nov. 2007   Award for innovative social work at Peking University

Dec. 2008   Award for innovative social work at Peking University

Jun. 2009    Award for excellent PhD graduate student at Peking University



[1] Hu, C., Y. Cai, and Z. Wang (2012), Effects of large historical earthquakes, viscous relaxation, and tectonic loading on the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake, Journal of Geophysical Research, 117, B06410, doi: 10.1029/2011JB009046. (SCI, IF: 3.303).

[2] Hu, C., Y. Cai, M. Liu, and Z. Wang (2013), Aftershocks Due to Property Variations in the Fault Zone: A Mechanical Model, Tectonophysics, 588, 179-188, doi: 10.1016/j.tecto.2012.12.013. (SCI, IF: 2.433).

[3] Hu, C., Y. Zhou, Y. Cai and C. Wang (2009), Study of earthquake triggering in a heterogeneous crust using a new finite element model, Seismological Research Letters80(5), 795-803, doi: 10.1785/gssrl.80.5.799. (SCI, IF: 3.007).

[4] Hu, C., Y. Zhou and Y. Cai (2009), A new finite element model in studying earthquake triggering and continuous evolution of stress field, Sci. China Ser. D-Earth Sci., 52(7), 994-1004, doi: 10.1007/s11430-009-0082-3. (SCI, IF: 0.801).  [5] Fu, Z., C. Hu, H. Zhang, Y. Cai and Y. Zhou (2011), The possibility of inferring rupture depths of fault earthquakes from zero-strain points of coseismic surface deformation, Seismological Research Letters, 82(1), 89-96, doi: 10.1785/gssrl.82.1.89. (SCI, IF: 3.007).

[6] Zhou, Y., C. Hu and Y. Cai (2009), Influence of an inhomogeneous stress field and fault-zone thickness on the displacements and stresses induced by normal faulting, Journal of Structural Geology, 31, 491-497, doi:10.1016/j.jsg.2009.03.018. (SCI, IF: 1.556).

[7] Tao, W., C. Hu, Y. Wan, Z. Shen, and K. Wang (2011), Dynamic modeling of thrust earthquake on listric fault and its inference to study of Wenchuan earthquake, Chinese Journal of Geophysics, 54(5), 1260-1269, in Chinese, doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0001-5733.2011.05.015. (SCI).

[8] Xie, Z., C. Hu, Y. Cai, and C. Wang (2009), Effect of Poisson’s ratio on stress state in the Wenchuan Ms8.0 earthquake fault, Earthquake Science, 22(6). (EI).

[9] Zhou, Y., C. Hu, and Y. Cai (2009), Characteristics of listric normal fault zone’s displacement and stress field in the inhomogeneous stress field, Geological Review, 55(4), 590-597, in Chinese.

[10] Cheng, Y., Y. Cai, C. Hu, and J. Wang (2012), Dynamic effects of fault rupture process on the generalized load field of slope, Journal of Seismological Research, 35(1), 79-85, in Chinese.

[11] Z. Wang, E. Woolery, and C. Hu (2012), The Central United States seismic observatory: Site characterization, Near-Surface Geophysics and Environment Protection, Science Press, Science Press USA Inc., 223-227.


Research program Funds (Principal)

2011-2013: Science financial support from National Natural Science Foundation of China for young scholar (RMB: 200,000, No. 41004038)

2009-2011: The financial support from China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (RMB: 30,000, No. 20090460130)



Faculty Sun, 07 Dec 2014 19:17:53 +0000
Hua, Lijuan //www.lotudent.com/index.php/zh-CN/peo/2993-xkjck-2 //www.lotudent.com/index.php/zh-CN/peo/2993-xkjck-2

Name: Hua, Lijuan
Title: Associate Professor of Atmospheric Scienece
Email: hualj(at)ucas.ac.cn
Office: 610 in Teaching Building

Research Interest


Global Change and Drought

Urban Heat Island Effect

Climate statistics




2007  Ph.D.   Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing

2004  MA. Sc. College of Physical and Environmental Oceanography, Ocean University of China, Qingdao

2001  B.S.     Yunnan University, Kunming   


Professional Appointments


2009.12-present      Associate professor at GUCAS

2007.07-2009.12     Assistant professor at GUCAS





2010-2012 Water Recycling Ratio in China




Climate Statistics


The course provides an introduction of the application of statistical methods to atmospheric data. Topics in the course include the probability, empirical distribution, probability distribution, hypothesis tests, time series analysis and multivariate statistics.


Climate Dynamics


The course provides an introduction to main topics in climate dynamics, including the basics of climate system, teleconnection in atmospheric circulation, low-frequency modes in climate system, air-sea interaction, air-land interaction.


Seminar in advanced physics of Earth’s interior


A graduate seminar that discusses very recent advances in mineral physics and geophysical observations to the earth’s interior such as seismology and MT methods.


Selected publications


Hua Lijuan, Ma Zhuguo, and Zhong Linhao. A Comparative Analysis of Primary and Extreme Characteristics of Dry or Wet Status between Asia and North America. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 2011, 28(2), 352-362.

Hua Lijuan, Ma Zhuguo. The evolution of dry and wet periods in Asia and North America and its relationship with SSTA. Chinese J. Geophys. ( in Chinese), 2009, 52(25), 1184-1196.

Zhong Linhao, Hua Lijuan, and Feng Shide. A climatology of extratropical transition of tropical cyclones in the Western North Pacific. Journal of Tropical Meteorology, 2009, 15(2), 130-147.

L. J. Hua, Z. G. Ma, W. D. Guo. The impact of urbanization on air temperature across China. Theor. Appl.Climatol, 2007, doi 10.1007/s00704-007-0339-8.

Hua Lijuan, Ma Zhuguo, and Zeng Zhaomei. A comparative analysis of the changes of extreme temperature and extreme diurnal temperature range between large cities and small towns across Eastern China. Chinese Journal of Atmospheric Science, 2006, 30: 237-251.






Faculty Sun, 07 Dec 2014 19:17:53 +0000
Ju, Yiwen //www.lotudent.com/index.php/zh-CN/peo/2994-xkjck-3 //www.lotudent.com/index.php/zh-CN/peo/2994-xkjck-3

Name: Ju, Yiwen
Title: Professor of Geology, Doctoral Supervisor
Phone: 86-10-88256466
Email: juyw03(at)163.com
Office: 612 in Teaching Building

Research Interest

● Energy Resource Geology (Include: Coal Geology, Coalbed Methane Geology, and Shale Gas Geology)

● Basin Tectonics and Evolution, Rock Rheology

● Coal deformation and reservoir physical property

● Micro-structure, Supermicro-structure, Structural Geochemistry






2003  Ph.D.  China University of Mining and Technology

1994  M.S.  China University of Mining and Technology

1985  B.S.  Anhui University of Science and Technology


Professional Appointments


2010-2011  Senior Visitor Scholar, Virginia Tech University, West Virginia University, United States of America

2005-present  Associate Professor, Professor. College of Earth Science, Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences

2003-2005  Postdoctoral Fellow. College of Earth Science, Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences

1985-2000  Engineer, Senior Engineer. Huaibei Mining (Group) Co. Ltd, Ministry of Coal Industry of China


Fellowship, Awards & Honors

2009 Excellent Lecture Course by Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences

2008 Second Class Award of Natural Science, Ministry of Education of China

2008 National Excellent Doctorate Dissertation Nomination Award, State Council Degree Committee and Ministry of Education of China,

2007 Third Class Award of Natural Science, Government of Anhui Province, China

2007 Excellent Lecture Course by Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences

2005 Excellent Doctorate Dissertation Award, Council Degree Committee of Jiangsu Province




-National Major Science and Technology Projects of China

2011-2015  Project No. 03: Produced Water Treatment and Utilization Technology in Coalbed Gas Fields

-National Major Science and Technology Projects of China

2011-2015  Project No. 04: Network Management Technology and its Applied Software in Coalbed Gas Fields

- Strategic Priority Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences

2011-2015  Carbon Emission in the Process of Coal Development  

- National Natural Science Key Foundation of China

2011-2014  Coalbed Methane Occurrence and Reservoir during Complex Structural Evolution of the Basin-Orogen  

-Nation Basic Research Program of China(973 Program)

2009-2013  Project No. 01: Formation Mechanism of Coalbed Methane Enrichment Area

- National Natural Science Foundation of China

2010-2012  Research on Behavior and Mechanism of Reology of Calbeds

-National Major Science and Technology Projects of China

2009-2010  Project No. 03: Produced Water Treatment and Environmental Protection Technology in Coalbed Gas Fields

-National Major Science and Technology Projects of China

2009-2010  Project No. 04: Network Management Technology of Surface Gathering and Transferring and its Applied Software in Coalbed Gas Fields

- Nation Basic Research Program of China(973 Program)

2006-2011  Project No.01: Formation Evolution and Distribution Regulation of Deep Coal Resources

- National Natural Science Foundation of China

2008-2010  Research on Ultramicro-scale Characteristics of Tectonically Deformed Coals and their Metamorphic and Deformational Environment

- National Natural Science Foundation of China

2007  Research on Nano-scale Structural Characteristics of Tectonic Coals and the Metamorphic and Deformational Environment

- Natural Science Foundation of Beijing

2006-2008  Research on Harmful Elements and Ecological Effect of Carbonate Rock Formation in Beijing Area

- Key Program of Huaibei Mining (Group) CO. Ltd

2007-2008  Research on the Selection and Evaluation of Fully Mechanized Coal Mining Areas

- China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (First Class)

2004-2005  Physical and Chemical Response of Coalbed Ductile Shear Zones and Enrichment Mechanism of Coalbed Gas

- Postdoctoral Research Fund of Chinese Academy of Sciences

2003-2005  Formation and Enrichment Mechanism of Coal Seam Ductile Shear Zones and Mining Geological Disaster




Basin Analysis

An integrated study of sedimentary basins defined as geodynamic entities. Principles of Basin Analysis include dynamic types of sedimentary basins, plate tectonic environment, effects of lithosphere structures and mantle dynamics, subsidence and thermal history of basins, basin-fill. Analytical and simulated methods of basins are also included. Applications of basin analysis involve distribution of basins, and coal, petroleum-gas and mineral accumulation.


Energy Resource Geology

This course includes two parts: the conventional resources and new energy resources. Topics involve the formation, evolving process, compositions and accumulation of the coal, petroleum and gas of conventional resources; The formation, characteristics and distribution of the coalbed methane, shale gas, tight sand gas, natural gas hydrate and sedimentary uranium deposits.


Seminar in advanced Energy Resource Basin

A graduate seminar that discusses recent advances in: (1) formational and evolutive dynamics of basins, subsidence and fill of basins; (2) conventional and unconventional energy resources; (3) relationships between basins and energy accumulation


Selected publications

Scientific Books:

Wang G L, Ju Y W, Zheng M L, Cao D Y, Qin Y, Zhu Y M. Tectonics of Energy Resource Basins in the Northern China (Wang G L and Ju Y W, Chief Editors). Xuzhou: China University of Mining and Technology Press, 2007

Ju Y W, Jiang B, Wang G L, Hou Q L. Tectonic coals: Structures and Physical Properties of Reservoirs. Xuzhou: China University of Mining and Technology Press, 2005

Wu J W, Ju Y W. Permian Sedimentary Environment and Coal Accumulation in Southern Anhui. Xuzhou: China University of Mining and Technology Press, 2001

Academic Papers:

Li X S, Ju Y W, Hou Q L, Fan J J. Structural Response to Deformation of the Tectonically Deformed Coal Macromolecular. Acta Geologica Sinca, 2012  In press

Li X S, Ju Y W (Corresponding author), Hou Q L, Lin H. Spectra response from structure evolution of Tectonically Deformed Coal in various deformation mechanisms. Science in china (series D), 2012  In press

Yang M, Fei Y H, Ju Y W (Corresponding author), Ma Z, Li H Q. Health Risk Assessment of Groundwater Pollution: A Case Study of Typical City in North China Plain. Journal of Earth Science, 2012  In Press

Yang M, Fei Y H, Ju Y W (Corresponding author), Li H Q. Human Health Risk Assessment Model of Organic Pollution in Groundwater, Shijiazhuang Industrial Zone. Acta Geologica Sinica, 2011, 85(6): 1508-1517

Tan J Q, Ju Y W (Corresponding author), Yuan W M, Hou Q L, Pan J N, Fan J J. Thermo chronological and structural evolution of the Huaibei coalfield in eastern China: Constrains from zircon fission-track data. Radiation Measurements, 2011, 46(2): 183-189

Yang M, Ju Y W (Corresponding author), Tong Li, Xu G. Characteristics of Coalbed Produced Water in the Process of Coalbed Methane Development. Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, 2011, 10(7): 985-993

Li X S, Ju Y W (Corresponding author), Hou Q L, Lin H. Spectrum research on metamorphic and deformation of Tectonically Deformed Coals (in Chinese). Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, 2011, 31: 2176-2182

Wu Y D, Ju Y W, Hou Q L, Hu S B, Pan J N. Comparison of coalbed gas generation in Huaibei-Huainan coalfield and Qinshui coal basin based on the tectono-thermal modeling. Science China: Earth Sciences, 2011, 54(7): 1069-1077

Wang L, Ju Y W, Liu G J, Chou C J, Zheng L G, Qi C C. Selenium in Chinese coals: distribution, occurrence, and health impact. Environmental Earth Sciences, 2010, 60: 1641–1651

Tan J Q, Ju Y W (Corresponding author), Zhang W Y, Hou Q L, Tan Y J. Heat flow and its coalbed gas effects in the central-south area of the Huaibei coalfield, eastern China. Science China: Earth Sciences, 2010, 53: 672–682

Yang M, Ju Y W (Corresponding author), Hou Q L, Fei Y H, Li H Q. Human Health Risk Assessment System of Groundwater Pollution in China. Conference on Environmental Pollution and Public Health. California: Scientific Reseach Publishing, USA, 2010, 1074-1078

Chen F Y, Ju Y W (Corresponding author), Li X S, Diffusion characteristics and its mechanism of coalbed methanein tectonically deformed coals (in Chinese). Earth Science Frontiers, 2010, 17(1): 195- 201

Tan J Q, Ju Y W (Corresponding author), Zhang W Y, Hou Q L, Tan Y J. Structure controls on present geo-temperature field in Su-lin mine area of Huaibei coalfield (in Chinese). Journal of China Coal Society, 2009, 34(4): 449-454

Tan J Q, Ju Y W (Corresponding author), Hou Q L, Zhang W Y, Tan Y J. Structure controls on present geo-temperature field in Su-lin mine area of Huaibei coalfield (in Chinese). Chinese Journal of Geophysics, 2009, 52(3):732-737

Ju Y W, Jiang B, Hou Q L, Tan Y J, Wang G L, Xiao W J. Behavior and mechanism of the adsorption/desorption of tectonically deformed coals. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2009, 54 (1): 88-94

Ju Y W, Li X S. The new research progresses of ultra-structure of tectonically deformed coals. Progress in Natural Science, 2009, 19: 1455-1466

Ju Y W, Lin H, Li X S, Fan J J. Tectonic deformation and dynamic metamorphism of coal (in Chinese). Earth Science Frontiers, 2009, 16(1): 158-166

Ju Y W, Fan J J, Tan J Q, Wu Y D, Luo Y. Basin-mountain Evolution, Lithosphere Transformation and Their Relationship with Coalbed Methane Accumulation in North China (in Chinese). Coal Geology of China, 2009, 21(03): 1-5

Ni S Q, Ju Y W, Hou Q L, Wang S J, Liu Q, Wu Y D, Xiao L L. Enrichment of heavy metal elements and their adsorption on iron oxides during carbonate rock weathering process. Progress in Natural Science, 2009, 19(9): 1133-1139

Ju Y W, Tan J Q, Hou Q L, Tang Y J, Wu Y D. Research situation and development trend of coalbed rheology (in Chinese). Coal Geology of China, 2008, 20(10): 7-10

Ni S Q, Hou Q L, Ju Y W, Xiao L L, Wu Y D, Liu Q. Migration and enrichment of trace elements of lower paleozoic carbonate rock strata in Beijing. Science in China (Series D), 2008, 51 (12): 1759-1767

Cao D Y, Wang T, Ju Y W, Sun J F, Sun H B, Liu E Q. Current research status and prospect of coalfield structural study in China (in Chinese). Coal Geology of China, 2008, 20 (10): 1-6

Pan J N, Meng Z P, Hou Q L, Ju Y W. Numerical study of the effect of ground stress on coal bursting potential. In: Boundaries of Rock Mechanics. London: Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2008, 825-829

Ju Y W, Jiang B, Wu Y D, Hou Q L, Wang G L. Stress effect on the chemical structure of tectonically deformed coals from FTIR Investigation. In: Feng Changgen, Huang Ping, Shen Aimin, Wang Yajun, Li Shengcai, Su Q. The Proceedings of the China Association for Science and Technology, Science Press and Science Press USA Inc. 2007, 3 (1): 711-718

Ju Y W, Jiang B, Hou Q L, Wang G L. Group patterns of interlayer-gliding structures and faults and deformation conditions in coal seams of the Haizi mine, Northern Anhui (in Chinese). Chinese Journal of Geology, 2006, 41(1): 35-43

Ju Y W, Jiang B, Hou Q L, Wang G L, Ni S Q. 13C NMR spectra of tectonic coals and the effects of stress on structural components. Science in China (Series D), 2005, 48(9): 1418-1437

Ju Y W, Jiang B, Hou Q L, Wang G L. Relationship between nano-Scale deformation of coal structure and metamorphic-deformed environments. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2005, 50(16): 1784-1795

Ju Y W, Jiang B, Hou Q L, Wang G L. FTIR spectroscopic study on the stress effect of compositions of macromolecular structure in tectonically deformed coals (in Chinese). Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, 2005, 25(8): 1216-1220

Ju Y W, Jiang B, Hou Q L, Wang G L. Structural evolution of nano-scale pores of tectonic coals in southern North China and its mechanism (in Chinese). Acta Geologica Scinica, 2005, 79(2): 269-285

Ju Y W, Wang G L, Jiang B, Hou Q L. Microcosmic analysis of ductile shearing zones of coal seams of brittle deformation domain in superficial lithosphere. Science in China (Series D), 2004, 47(5): 393-404

Ju Y W, Jiang B, Wang G L, Hu Chao. Characteristics of microcosm of interlayer-gliding tectonic coal-tectonite and its stress-finite strain analyses (in Chinese). Chinese Journal of Geology, 2004, 39(1): 50-62

Ju Y W, Jiang B, Hou Q L, Wang G L. The new structure-genetic classification system in tectonically deformed coals and their geological significance (in Chinese). Journal of China Coal Society, 2004, 29 (5): 513-517

Jiang B, Ju Y W, Qin Y. Textures of Tectonic Coals and Their Porosity. In: Mining Science and Technology, Wang Y H, Ge S R, Guo G L. Rotterdam: Balkema Publishers, 2004, 315-320

Ju Y W, Wang H W, Wang G L, Jiang B, Zhang W, Li X D, Zhang Z X. Mechanical mechanism of reinforcing shaft-wall with pressure release and casing--wall method and its engineering application (in Chinese). Chinese Journal of Rock mechanics and Engineering, 2003, 22(5): 773-777

Ju Y W, Wang G L. Rheology of coal seams and its relation with gas outbursts: a case study of the Haizi coal mine, Huaibei Coalfield (in Chinese). Geological Review, 2002, 48(1): 96-105




Faculty Sun, 07 Dec 2014 19:17:53 +0000
Li, Haiyan //www.lotudent.com/index.php/zh-CN/peo/2995-xkjck_4 //www.lotudent.com/index.php/zh-CN/peo/2995-xkjck_4

Name: Li, Haiyan
Title: Assistant Professor of Physical Oceanograhpy
Phone: 86-10-88256447
Email: lihaiyan(at)ucas.ac.cn
Office: 621 in Teaching Building

Research interest


Oceanic microwaves remote sensing, particularly in the field of air–sea interaction, oceanic dynamic processing and target detections, by polarization synthetic aperture radar (SAR), InSAR and compact polarimetry SAR.




2007  Ph.D.   Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing

2004  M.S.    Ocean University of China, QingDao

1999  B.S.    Hebei Normal University, ShiJiaZhuang


Professional Appointments


2009.10-2010.10     Visiting Fallow, Bedford Institute of Oceanography




-Open-ended fund of Key laboratory of Ocean circulation and wave (Grant No.KLOCAW0808),

-Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Fund of Dean of Earth Sciences College, Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences.




●  Introduction of Oceanography


An introduction is related with physical, chemical, geological and biological processes in the ocean. Topics involve survey of the earth, physical properties of seawater, heat budge in the ocean, interaction between sea and atmosphere, marine biology, marine chemistry and the circulation of CO2 in the ocean.


●  InSAR Technology and Its Application 


An overview is related with the application of advance InSAR technology in physical oceanography, geology, glaciology as well as the biomass derivation. Topics include element concepts related with traditional SAR, polarimetric SAR and InSAR, the ocean current and ocean wave derivation from InSAR, the states of change detection in geology and glaciology with InSAR.


Selected publications

Li,H., W. Perrie, S. Lehner, and S. Brusch, Target Detection on the Ocean With the Relative Phase of Compact Polarimetry SAR, IEEE Transaction and Remote Sensing, 2012. doi: 10.1109/TGRS.2012.2224119.

Li, H., W. Perrie, L. Guo, and B. Zhang (2011), On polarimetric characteristics in SAR images of mesoscale cellular convection in the marine atmospheric boundary layer, J. Geophys. Res., 116, C08028, doi:10.1029/2010JC006738

Li, H.,Y. He, W. Wang (2009), Improving ship detection with polarimetric SAR based on 2-D convolution between co-polarization channels, Sensors Vol.9, P1221-1236.

Li, H.,Y. He, M. Lei, W. Wang, (2008) Ship detection and characterization with generalized optimization of polarimetric contrast enhancement, The Chinese Journal of Electronics, 17(3),541-545

Li, H.,Y. He, (2008) Detection Weak Ship Signals with the Optimization of Polarimetric Contrast Enhancement Method, High technology letters, Vol. 14No. 1,P85-91


Faculty Sun, 07 Dec 2014 19:17:53 +0000
Li, Yongbing //www.lotudent.com/index.php/zh-CN/peo/2996-xkjck_5 //www.lotudent.com/index.php/zh-CN/peo/2996-xkjck_5

Name: Li, Yongbing
Title: Associate Professor of Computing Geochemistry/Isotopoc Geochemistry/Applied Geophysics
Phone: 86-10-8825476
Email: yongbingli(at)ucas.ac.cn
Office: 109 in SCI&TEC Building

Research interest


● Sulfur isotope geochemistry

● Computing geochemistry, chemistry geodynamics

● Applied geophysics




2005  Ph.D.   Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing

2002  B.S.     University of Science and Technology of Beijing   


Professional Appointments


2009.06-present     Associate professor at GUCAS

2008.06-2009.06    Assistant professor at GUCAS

2006, 12-2009, 06   Postdoctoral fellow, Earch Science School  GUCAS.





2007-2009 Sulfur isotope fractionation in complex sulfides


2010-2012 The thermal condition (PhEh) of ore-forming




Crystal Chemistry of Mineral


An overview of crystal chemistry of minerals. Topics include the symmetry of crystalstructures  of mineralsbond theory including covalent bondelectrovalent bondmolecular bond and metallic field, crystal field theorycoordinate field theory and the application of these theory in minerals.


Genetic Mineralogy


An introduction to Genetic Mineralogy. Topics involve the typomorph of mineral, such as mineral structure typomorphtypomorphic mineral assemblage, mineral isotopic typomorph(SHOC)mineral spectral typomorph etc.


The application of Genetic Mineralogy in Ore Prospecting


A graduate seminar that discusses the application of genetic mineralogy in ore prospecting, including the indication of the coexisting minerals, some patterns of ore prospecting using genetic mineralogy and the introduction to the advance in the ore prospecting.


Selected publications


Sun Xing-guo, Li Yongbing, (2011) Characteristics of fluid inclusion of varite in Longtoushan polymetallic sulfides ore deposit, inner Mongolia:Evidence for submarine hydrothermal sedimentary deposit. Acta Petrologica et Mineralogica, 4(549-557).

Sun Xing-guo, Li Yongbing, Liu Hongtong(2011) The application of integrated geophysical prospecting method to the evaluation of Longtoushan polymetallic sulfides ore deposit, inner Mongolia, Progress in Geophysics 4(1326-1333).

Li Yongbing, Shi Yaolin, (2008) Advances in the theoretical calculation research of sulfur isotope

fractionation in sulf ides, Acta Petrologica et Mineralogica, 3(241-246)

Yongbingli, Jianmingliu, (2006), Calculation of sulfur isotope fractionation in sulfides , GCA, 70 (1789-1795)




VLF instrument with auto-measure function patent number(ZL 2011 2 0131551.3)

VLF instrument with auto orientation, patent number (ZL 2011 2 0131497.2)

VLF instrument with Orthogonal antenna, patent number (ZL 2011 2 0131505.3)


Faculty Sun, 07 Dec 2014 19:17:53 +0000
Li, Yumei //www.lotudent.com/index.php/zh-CN/peo/2997-xkjck-6 //www.lotudent.com/index.php/zh-CN/peo/2997-xkjck-6

Name: Li, Yumei
Title: Associate Professor of Geology
Phone: 86-10-88256496
Email: liym(at)ucas.ac.cn
Office: 622 in Teaching Building






Research interest


Biomarkers and stable isotopes in sediments




2002  Ph.D.   Institute of Geology and Geophysics, CAS

1999  M.S.    Lanzhou Institute of Geology, CAS

1996  B.S.     Changchun College of Geology   


Professional Appointments


2005.06-           Associate Professor,Graduate University of CAS

2004.07-2005.05     Assistant Professor,Graduate University of CAS

2002.07-2004.07     Post Doctor, Institute of Geology and Geophysics, CAS





2008-2010 Spatial patterns of hydrogen isotopes of n-alkanes in soil

-Chinese Academy of Sciences

2011-2013 Deposits of Wangzuo Cave and their paleoenvironmental significance




● Foundations of Paleo-environmentology


An introduction to provide a synthesis of the past decade of research into global changes that occurred in the earth system in the past. Focus is achieved by concentrating on those changes in the Earth's past environment.


● Biogeochemistry


An overview of the cycles of chemical elements, such as carbon, nitrogen, sulfur, phosphorus and their interactions with and incorporation into living things transported through earth scale biological systems in space through time.


Selected publications


Sun Fengrui, Li Yumei, Chen Jianfa, Meng Qianxiang. The research of Odd-Even Preference of n-alkanes in plants and its environmental significance. Global Geology (in Chinese), 2011, 30,469-473

Li Yumei, Liu Tunsheng. Hong Bing , Chu Guoqiang , Hong Yetang , Zhu Yongxuan , Peng Jianhua , Dong Limin , Han Jiamao.δ13C, δ18O values and their paleoenvironmental significance of modern asian takin tooth enamel from the yarlung zangbo grand canyon.Scientia Geographica Sinica(in Chinese). 2009, 917-922

Tao Qianye, Li Yumei, Wang Guoan, Qiao Yanhui, Liu Tunsheng. Variations of microbial communities and the contents and isotopic compositions of total organic carbon and total nitrogen in soilsamples during their preservation. Acta Geologica Sinica. 2009, 801-840

Li Yumei, Chen Jianfa, Luo Jian, Liu Tunsheng. Relationship between the Carbon Isotope Compositions of single alkanes in plants and their growing environments. Acta Geologica Sinica (in Chinese). 2000, 74, 273-278



Faculty Sun, 07 Dec 2014 19:17:53 +0000
Liu, Ping //www.lotudent.com/index.php/zh-CN/peo/2998-xkjck-7 //www.lotudent.com/index.php/zh-CN/peo/2998-xkjck-7

  Details of the Faculty or Staff


 Liu Ping                  


 Associate Professor

Highest Education  


Subject Categories  

 Quaternary, Paleomagnetism



Zip Code  







 309 in Study Area 4






Education and Appointments:

2017.11-Present Associate Professor, University of  Chinese Academy of Sciences

2011.8-2017.11 Assistant Professor, Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences

2008.7-2011.8 PostDoc, Institute of Geology and Geophysics Chinese Academy of Sciences

2005.9-2008.7 Ph. D., Institute of Geology and Geophysics Chinese Academy of Sciences

2002.9-2004.7 M. Sc, University of Bergen, Norway

2001.9-2005.7 M. Sc, Taiyuan University of Technology

1997.9-2001.7 B. Sc, Taiyuan University of Technology


Research Interests:

Quaternary Geology, Magnetostratigraphy, Environmental magnetism, Rock magnetism.



Outstanding individual award, 2019, 2021


Supported Projects:

Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, (2022-2024), Magnetostratigraphic dating of the Pulu mammalian fauna in Nihewan Basin

National Natural Science Foundation of China,(2020-2023), The chronostratigraphic classification of typical fluvio-lacustrine sequence in Nihewan Basin, North China

National Natural Science Foundation of China,(2013-2016), Age of the Nihewan paleolake and its environmental significance, North China.

National Natural Science Foundation of China,(2010-2012), Magnetostratigraphic dating of the Xiashagou Fauna in the Nihewan Basin, North China


Selected Publication:

1. Gao X.L.,Li J.H.,Liu P*. Characteristics analysis of magnetic fabric in Xiashagou section and the environmental changes of the Nihewan Lake. Quaternary Science Reviews, 2022, 193, 118-218

2. Liu P*., Qin H.F., Li S.H., Yuan B.Y. Magnetostratigraphic dating of the danangou and dongyaozitou mammalian faunas in the Nihewan Basin, North China. Quaternary Science Reviews, 2021, 257, 106855

3. Liu P.*, Yue, F., Liu, J.Q., Qin, H.F., Li, S.H., Zhao, X., Xu, Ji.W., Yuan, B.Y., Deng, C.L., Zhu, R.X. Magnetostratigraphic dating of the Shixia red sediments and implications for formation of Nihewan paleo-lake, North China. Quaternary Science Reviews, 2018, 193, 118-218

4. Liu, P.*, Wu, Z.J., Deng, C.L., Tong, H.W., Qin, H.F., Li, S.H., Yuan, B.Y., Zhu, R.X. Magnetostratigraphic dating of the Shanshenmiaozui mammalian fauna in the Nihewan Basin, North China. Quaternary International, 2016, 400, 202-211

5. Liu P.*,Deng C.L., Li S.H., Cai S.H.,Yuan B.Y., Wei Q., Zhu R.X. Magnetostratigraphic dating of the Xiashagou Fauna and implication for sequencing the mammalian faunas in the Nihewan Basin, North China. Quaternary Sciences, 2016, 36(5), 1176-1190 (in Chinese with English abstract)

6. Liu P.*, Deng C.L., Li S.H., Cai S.H., Cheng H.J., Yuan B.Y., Wei Q., Zhu R.X. Magnetostratigraphic dating of the Xiashagou Fauna and implication for sequencing the mammalian faunas in the Nihewan Basin, North China. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 2012, 315-316: 75-85.

7. Liu P.*, Deng C.L., Li S.H., Zhu R.X, Magnetostratigraphic dating of the Huojiadi Paleolithic Site in the Nihewan Basin, North China. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 2010, 298: 399-408.

8. Zuo T.W., Cheng H.J., Liu P., Xie F., Deng C.L. Magnetostratigraphic dating of the Houhou Paleolithic site in the Nihewan Basin, North China. Science China Earth Science, 2011, 54: 1643-1650, doi: 10.1007/s11430-011-4221-2

9. Liu P.*, Zhang S., Han J.M., Liu T.S. Paleomagnetic chronology of Quaternary stratigraphy of the Longdan section in Gansu Province of China. Quaternary Sciences, 2008, 28(5): 796-805.

10. Liu P.*,Jin C.S., Zhan S., Han J.M., Liu T.S. Magnetic fabric of Early Quaternary loess-paleosols of Longdan profile in Gansu Province and the reconstruction of the paleowind directions. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2008, 53(9): 1450-1452.

11. Liu P.*, Lovlie R., Magnetostratigraphic age of Pleistocene loess/paleosol sections at Kehe, Shanxi. Journal of Stratigraphy, 2007, 31(3): 240-246.

12. Zhang S., Liu P., Jin C.S., Han J.M., Qin X.G., Liu T.S. Geochemical characteristics of dust fall in Beijing on April 17, 2006, Marine Geology and Quaternary Geology, 2008, 28(3): 35-42.

13. Zhang S., Heller F., Jin C.S., Liu P., Qin X.G., Liu T.S. Grain size distribution and magnetic characteristics of dust fall in Beijing on April 17, 2006, Quaternary Sciences, 2008, 28(2): 354-362

14. Liu T.S., Han J.M., Zhang D.E., Qin X.G., Zhang S., Jin C.S., Liu P., Jiang W.Y., Falling dust and deposits in Anthropogene-Ⅰ:Prelminary analyses of the dust fall in Beijing on April 16-17, 2006. Quaternary Sciences, 2006, 26(4): 628-633.

Faculty Sun, 07 Dec 2014 19:17:53 +0000
Liu,Qing //www.lotudent.com/index.php/zh-CN/peo/2999-xkjck_8 //www.lotudent.com/index.php/zh-CN/peo/2999-xkjck_8

Name: Liu,Qing
Title: Associate Professor of Geology
Phone: 86-10-88256694
Email: qingliu(at)ucas.ac.cn
Office: 610 in Teaching Building

Research interest


Igneous Petrogenesis; Geochemistry

Using geochemical data to date the ages of igneous rocks, to trace their sources and petrogenetic processes, and to constrain the tectonics and geodynamics of magmatism.




2005  Ph.D.   Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing

1999  B.S.     China University of Geosciences, Wuhan   


Professional Appointments


2009.07-present      Associate professor at GUCAS

2007.11-2009.06     Assistant professor at GUCAS

2005.07-2007.10      Postdoctoral fellow, GUCAS





2008-2010 Platinum group elements (PGE) and Re-Os isotope systematics of Wenduermiao-Xilamulunhe ophiolites, Inner Mongolia: petrology and tectonic implications




Igneous Petrology


Igneous Petrology provides integrated, comprehensive coverage of physical and chemical facets of magmatic rocks and magma systems. Field relations and fabrics of rocks together with their mineralogical, chemical and isotopic compositions facilitate interpretation of rock origin. The dynamic evolution of magma systems is considered from their chemical and kinetic properties. Sources of magmas and how they are generated and subsequently evolve are also considered in the context of global tectonics.


Physical Geology


An introduction to all key areas of physical geology, as well as the compositions of the earth, the states of the Earth’s interior and recent events that have shaped our world. It also involves investigations into the way the earth works, how rocks and mountains are formed, how the crust and mantle interact with each other. The course also integrates current thinking on processes (such as plate tectonics, changes throughout geologic time).


Selected publications


Li H, Liu Q, Hou QL, Xu HH, Zhu MX and Zeng GH.(2011).Distribution and fractionation of Platinum-group elements in mantle peridotites from Kedanshan ophiolite, Inner Mongolia. Acta Petrologica Sinica, 27(6):1759-1769

Liu Q, Hou QL, Xie LW and Zhou XH.(2008). Distribution of Platinum-group elements in ultrmafic rocks from Bixiling, Dabie orogen. Progress in Natural Science,18(1):58-67

Liu Q, Hou QL, Zhou XH and Xie LW.(2008).Platinum-group element geochemistry of Cretaceous mafic-ultramafic rocks in the Northern Dabie. Geology in China, 35(5): 859-868

Liu Q, Hou QL, Zhou XH and Xie LW.(2005).The distribution of Platinum-group elements in gabbros from Zhujiapu, Dabie orogen. Acta Petrologica Sinica, 21(1):227-239

Zhang XH, Liu Q, Ma YJ, Wang H. (2005). Geology, fluid inclusions, isotope geochemistry, and geochronology of the Paishanlou shear zone-hosted Gold Deposit, North China Craton. Ore Geology Reviews, 26: 325-348


Faculty Sun, 07 Dec 2014 19:17:53 +0000