Solid Geophysics

  • 日期:2012-05-14
  • 8927


The Solid Geophysics group focuses on fundamental problems of geodynamics, geodetic survey, physics of the Earth’s interior, strong motion seismology, applied geophysics, seismology and computational geophysics.


Dealing with the fundamental physical processes necessary for an understanding of plate tectonics and a variety of geophysical/geological/geochemical/geodetic phenomena (special emphasis on the deformation processes of planetary mantle and crust, and the resulting earthquakes and volcanism) with interdisciplinary knowledge in geophysics, geology, physics, mechanics, chemistry and computational sciences.
•Rheology and mineral properties of the deep earth, physical properties of rocks and their dependence on pressure, temperature and chemical composition 
• Upper mantle - lower mantle; lithosphere - asthenosphere

• Mantle convection, hot spots and plumes, heat flow and the thermo-mechanical evolution of the earth 
•Dynamic consequences of natural events, including source dynamics, seismic modeling, seismo-tectonics, modeling of earthquakes, impacts 
• Dynamic consequences of natural events, including source dynamics, seismic modeling, seismo-tectonics, modeling of earthquakes, impacts 
• Plate kinematics, plate tectonics and plate dynamics, driving mechanisms
• Crust-mantle interaction, chemical recycling 
• Stress field; horizontal and vertical crustal movements 
• Integrated models and non-linear processes
• Evolution of continents and oceans, including the formation and destruction of oceanic lithosphere, orogenic processes and basin evolution 
• Sea surface and ocean bottom topography, including variations of sea level 
• Dynamic interpretation and modeling of potential fields, including isostasy, glacial isostasy 
• Magma formation, differentiation, transport and emplacement, including modeling of volcanic eruptions 
• Data aquisition and analysis for geodynamics, including the use of SLR, VLBI, GPS, etc


Faculty in the core areas of Solid Geophysics include:

● Geodynamics (Yaoling ShiBojing Zhu

● Geodetic Survey (Wenke SunJinhai Yu

● Physics of the Earth’s Interior (Dongping WeiDuojun WangYuanze ZhouMaining MaRongqiang Wei

● Strong Motion Seismology (Wenbo Zhang

● Applied Geophysics (Jian Zhang

● Seismology (Baoping ShiXiangwei Yu

● Computational Geophysics (Huai Zhang
