PPP: Magnetostratigraphic Dating of the Xiashagou Fauna and Implication for Sequencing the Mammalian Faunas in the Nihewan Basin, North China

  • luwang@gucas.ac.cn
  • 日期:2012-04-27
  • 10030
Citation: Liu Ping, Deng Chenglong, Li Shihu, Cai Shuhui, Cheng Hongjiang, Yuan Baoyin, Wei Qi, Zhu Rixiang. Magnetostratigraphic dating of the Xiashagou Fauna and implication for sequencing the mammalian faunas in the Nihewan Basin, North China. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 2012, 315-316: 75-85.


Abstrct:The Nihewan Basin sedimentary sequences in northern China are rich in mammalian fossil and Paleolithic sites, thus providing insights into our understanding of Quaternary land mammal biochronology and early human settlements in East Asia. Here we present high resolution magnetostratigraphic results that place stringent age controls on the Xiashagou (XSG) Fauna (that is, the well-known Nihewan Fauna sensu stricto) in the Nihewan Basin, northern China. Results show that the XSG sequence recorded the Brunhes normal chron, the Matuyama reverse chron and the late Gauss normal chron. The XSG Fauna resides in the Matuyama reverse chron (between the pre-Reunion Matuyama chron and the post-Olduvai Matuyama chron), yielding an estimated age of ca. 2.2–1.7 Ma. The Pliocene–Pleistocene boundary (Gauss/Matuyama boundary) is located in the lower part of the XSG section. The combination of our study and previously published magnetostratigraphic data suggest that the mammalian fossil sites in the eastern Nihewan Basin can be placed between the Gauss–Matuyama geomagnetic reversal and the Matuyama–Brunhes geomagnetic reversal (2.58–0.78 Ma), leading to a time range of ca. 2.6–0.8 Ma for the Nihewan mammalian faunas.