Modern Topics in Computational Geodynamics

  • 日期:2014-12-08
  • 5323

First day
Overview of Geodynamics today ( one hour )
Global Earth Structure ( 1.5 hour )
Second day
Mantle Viscosity Structures ( from geophysical inferences) ( one hour )
Mantle Rheology ( different creep mechanisms ) ( 1.5 hour )
Third day
Thermal Conductivity ( one hour )
Equation of state and mantle phase transitions ( 1.5 hour )
Fourth day
Introduction to nonlinear systems ( one hour )
Nonlinear Systems and Feedback ( two hours )
Fifth Day
Introduction to equations of ( one hour )
Mantle convection: various levels of approximation ( two hours )
Sixth Day
Numerical methods in mantle ( one hour )
Numerical Results in mantle convection ( slabs upper-mantle plumes, superplumes ) ( two hours )
seventh day
visualization and post-processing ( one hour )
large-scale computing in geophysics ( two hours )
eighth day
student oral exams ( three hours )

Karato, S., The Dynamic Structure of the Deep Earth, Princeton
University Press, 2003.
Schubert, G., Turcotte, D.L. and P. L. Olson, Mantle Convection,
Cambridge Univ. Press, 2001.
Cohen R., E., Ed., High-Performance Computing Requirements for
the Computational Solid Earth Sciences, 96 pp, 2005
Hansen C.D. and C.R. Johnson ( Eds )., The Visualization Handbook,
962 pp., Elsevier Press, Amsterdam , Holland, 2005.
Yuen, D.A., Maruyama, S., Karato, S.-I. and B.J. Windley, Superplumes: Beyond Plate Tectonics, Springer Verlag, 2007.

David A. Yuen
