Passive Sounding of the Earth’s Atmosphere, Land, and OceanTechnology and the Earth’s Remote Sensing

  • 日期:2014-12-08
  • 1806

1 Basics of the Earth’s passive sounding by space-based optical and microwave techniques (2hr)
Introduction; Basic concepts of the Earth’s passive sounding; Overview of Satellite-borne optical and microwave instruments (WINDII, MIPAS, MODIS, MLS, SMR, SMILES); Other satellite-borne optical instrument; Satellite missions of China-FengYun Series.
2 Remote sensing of the atmosphere, land, and ocean by MODIS on Terra/Aqua (2hr)
Overview of MODIS instrument; Calibration: L0, L1A, and L1B data; MODIS atmospheric data products: L2 and higher level data; MODIS land data products; MODIS ocean data products
3 Satellite-borne Michelson interferometer: WINDII and MIPAS (2hr)
History of Michelson interferometer; Basic concepts and optics of Michelson interferometer; Measurements of atmospheric temperature, wind, and concentration by WINDII and MIPAS; Pre-launch and in-orbit calibrations.
4 Satellite-borne microwave instruments: MLS, SMR, and SMILES (2hr)
Overview of microwave observations; Overview of the SMILES mission; Scientific targets of SMILES; Instrumental capabilities of SMILES; Retrievals of SMILES- Principle and method; SMILES validation plan.
5 Spectroscopy and photochemistry of visible and infra-red emissions of the Earth’s and Martian atmosphere (2hr)
Atmospheric Radiation; Radiative Processes; photochemistry of airglow; HITRAN database
6 Geometry and scenario of the space observations: Orbit around the Earth and Mars (2hr)
Ephemeris; Orbit determination; Geo-location algorithm
7 The instrument forward model (2hr)
General concepts of instrument forward model; WINDII instrument forward model; MIPAS forward model; Application of forward model: Data assimilation and Aliasing issue due to asynoptic sampling
8 The inversion algorithms (2hr)
General inversion theory; WINDII Inversion algorithm; MIPAS inversion algorithm; Validation of the satellite measurements
9 Middle atmospheric dynamics and chemistry: theory and observations, part I (2hr)
General circulation Models: NCEP, ECMWF, METO, CMAM; Atmospheric thermal tides; CAWSES Global Tidal Campaign; Atmospheric gravity waves
10 Middle atmospheric dynamics and chemistry: Theory and Observations, Part II (2hr)
Planetary waves; Stratospheric sudden warming; Ozone hole

Ding Yi Wang
