Scientific Writing and Publishing

  • 日期:2014-12-08
  • 1652

This course will focus on developing manuscripts for publication in a journal. This course is
appropriate for students who are at the final stage of writing their thesis/dissertation. Such
students will have opportunity to learn skills about writing better manuscripts for publication.
Reference Books
There is no text book for this course. Hand outs may be provided.
Evaluation (tentative)
All students should bring a draft of their manuscript on the first day. This will be the manuscript
they will work on improving throughout the course.
Draft of the manuscript required on Day 1
Components of the manuscript:
Day 2, Introduction and Objectives (20%)
Day 3, Study Area and Data Used (20%)
Day 4, Methods and Results (20%)
Day 5, Discussion, Conclusion, and References (20%)
Day 6, Final modified manuscript (20%)
Tentative topics / schedule
Day 1: Introduction to manuscript writing: All components of a manuscript (introduction and
objectives, study area, data used, methods, results and discussion, conclusion,
acknowledgements, and references) will be discussed. The first component of the manuscript
(Introduction and objectives) will be discussed in greater detail. All students will consider the
suggestions discussed in class and will modify their manuscripts.
Day 2: The second component of the manuscript (Study Area and Data Used) will be discussed
in detail. Comments will be made and marks given on the first component (Introduction &
Objectives) submitted by students.
Day 3: The third component (Methods and Results) will be discussed in detail. Comments will
be made and marks given on the second component (Study Area and Data Used) submitted by
Day 4: The fourth component (Discussion, Conclusion) will be discussed in detail. Comments
will be made and marks given on the third component (Methods and Results) submitted by
Day 5: The remaining component (Abstract and References) will be discussed in detail.
Comments will be made marks given on the fourth component (Discussion, Conclusion)
submitted by students.
Day 6: The final manuscript, modified in light of comments and suggestion provided earlier,
will be evaluated and marked.
